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    【作者:网站管理员】【来源:本站原创】【阅读:3405次】【日期:2018/4/23 9:25:12】【属于:小学辅导资料】【关闭】【打印
    8.玩具名词: toy(玩具) doll(洋娃娃) kite(风筝) computer game(电子游戏机) 9.体育名词: football(足球) basketball (篮球)table tennis(乒乓球)riding bikes(骑自行车)swimming(游泳)skipping(跳绳)morning exercise(早操) 运用:play+球类名词 10.交通工具名词: car(小汽车) bike(自行车) bus(公共汽车) taxi(出租车) train(火车)plane(飞机) ship(轮船) boat(木船) 运用:by+交通工具名词 11.服装名词 cap(帽子)hat(牛仔冒) dress(连衣裙) coat(外套)sweater(毛衣) T-shirt(体恤衫) 12.学科名词 Chinese(语文) Maths(数学) English (英语)Science(科学) Music (音乐)Art (美术)PE(体育) 运用:have+学科名词 13、数字名词(1-20) one 1 two 2 three 3 four 4 five 5 six 6 seven 7 eight 8 nine 9 ten 10 eleven 11 twelve 12 thirteen 13 fourteen14 fifteen 15 sixteen 16 seventeen 17 eightteen 18 ninteen 19 twenty 20 14、颜色单词 blue(蓝色) red(红色) yellow(黄色) green(绿色) black(黑色) 综合运用: What colour is it? It's..... 15、方位名词 in(里面) on(上面) under(下面) 运用:1.This book is on the desk. 2.Where is the......? It's..... 16、家庭成员名词 grandpa(granfather )爷爷 grandma (granmother)奶奶 mother妈妈 father爸爸 uncle叔叔 aunt婶婶 sisiter姐/妹 brother哥/弟 grandchildren孙子 17、职业名词 doctor医生 nurse护士driver司机 policeman警察 famer 农民 teacher教师 student/pupil学生 worker工人 actor演员 dancer舞蹈演员 运用:This is my mother. Her name is....... (姓名)She is a.....(职业) This is my father. His name is...... He is a ...... 18、身体部位名词 head(头) arm手臂 leg 腿 foot脚 nose鼻子 eye眼睛 mouth嘴 ear耳朵 运用:This is my.....(部位名称). I have got (She\he has got)one\two.....(部位名称单数\复数) 19.季节名词 spring 春天summer夏天 autumn 秋天winter 冬天 运用:in+季节名词 20.天气名词 sun 太阳 rain 雨 wind 风 snow雪 21.一日三餐 breakfast早饭 lunch午饭 dinner晚饭 注:have+一日三餐 三.形容词 1.天气形容词 hot热的 cold冷的 warm暖和的 cool凉爽的 sunny晴朗的 windy有风的 rainy有雨的 snowy有雪的 运用:It's hot in summer. 2.形状形容词 big 大的---- small小的 fat 胖的---- thin瘦的 tall高的---short矮的 四、动词短语 Get up起床 go to bed/sleep睡觉 go to school上学go to work上班 go home回家 watch TV看电视 go swimming游泳 fly kites放风筝go fishing 钓鱼 have breakfast吃早饭 have lunch吃午饭 have dinner吃晚饭 运用:用以上动词短语各说一句话。 五.时间表达 1、整点钟 数字(One—twelve) +o’clock 2、半点钟 half past+数字(One—twelve) 3.运用(时间问答) What’s the time? It’s …… 六.语言运用 1、祈使句 Point to the …… 2.一般疑问句 Is it a ……? 肯定回答:Yes, it is. 否定回答:No, it isn't. Do you have .....? 肯定回答:Yes, I do. 否定回答:No, I don't. Does he/she like....? 肯定回答:Yes, he/she does. 否定回答:No, he/she doesn't. Have you got .....? 肯定回答:Yes,I have. 否定回答:No, I haven't . Has he/she got....? 肯定回答:Yes,he/she has. 否定回答:No, he/she hasn't. 3.特殊疑问句 What colour.....? It is....或It's..... How old.....? How many......? What’s this(that)? It is a....或It's a..... Where is the …..? It is on/in/underthe.... 或It's on/in/underthe......... What's the time? It is....或It's..... 七、检测
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